Thursday, July 23, 2009

so apparently it's the rainy season...

... and apparently that was noted on the packing list! apparently!

but it does cool things down a bit :)

we're settling nicely into our respective casas, and i'm not getting lost anymore (!!). we've been to the mercado a few times and we hiked up to a cross thing on a hill yesterday (as the rain began to start). We're all safe. There's talk of hiking up a volcano on saturday... it's active... and safe?

now that I'm actually at a computer I forget all the funny things I was gonna say :( We can't wait to see the rest of our team on Sunday, by then hopefully our stomachs will have adjusted to the food and altitude here (and that's all I'm gonna say about that...)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yes, it's the rainy season...:) have you seen any cool lightning storms? THOSE are always my favorite in Guatemala.
